
With Products in Technables, Get your desired Project

Develop your customized product or use one of our products developed with our experienced team at Technables, ultimately reducing your development time and cost.

Web Development

Theatre Management

Mall Management

Hotel CMS

Inventory Management

Parking Management


Besides being built with .net core capabilities, here are some features custom built taking customer requirements into consideration.

Rapid Site Development

Developing a website with us is a no-brainer! Owing to the modular architecture, we have different types of components ready to be used. Simply a single text editor can assist you to build a full website. Also, you will be saved from the hassles of authentication, authorization.

Personalized Dashboard

Not only do we provide options to manage pages, but we also allow authorized users to customize the dashboard and rearrange the components in the dashboard as per their desire.


With our role management, we can define the access level for each action within a page. Admin can configure access to the minute click events which allows admin to control user action.